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What happens to bitvoodoo Server apps after February 2024?

(info) Since February 2023, you can only buy new Atlassian apps for Data Center and Cloud. This is part of Atlassian's Server end of life policy.

At bitvoodoo, we will maintain all Server apps until the end of life (EOL) of Confluence and Jira Server. You can use previously installed Server apps until February 2024 at least.

❓ What happens to Server apps after February 2024?

All previously installed bitvoodoo Server apps should keep working normally. However, this could change if Atlassian enforces new strategies after Server EOL. If this is the case, there should be plenty of notice, and we will adapt this documentation accordingly.

Atlassian server as a deployment will no longer be supported after February 2024. Atlassian and app vendors no longer provide technical support for issues, security updates, or bug fixes for vulnerabilities after that date.

Alternative 1: Data Center

We suggest switching and updating to the latest Data Center version of your bitvoodoo app. Consult our app table with all the details.

Using Data Center, your team will have access to the latest app features and improvements, ensuring a better user experience. bitvoodoo will continue investing in the security and stability of Data Center apps in the future.

We understand that the cost of Data Center licenses may seem high. If you have any questions or need to discuss your situation, we are here to help. Please get in touch with our app support.

Alternative 2: Cloud

If your company is switching to Confluence Cloud, we have good news:

Four of our best-selling apps already have a Cloud version:

All bitvoodoo Cloud apps…

❓ If you have any more questions, please create a support ticket.

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