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Security & Trust of bitvoodoo Apps

❓ Questions regarding the security and trust of bitvoodoo apps?

  • Where is the bitvoodoo app data hosted?

  • What’s bitvoodoo’s Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)?

  • Which Atlassian batches does bitvoodoo have?

We have created a dedicated page on any topics concerning bitvoodoo’s app security and trust topics.

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Some of the resources listed on the page above are also part of this documentation:

Privacy and Security of specific bitvoodoo apps

Since July 2023, there is a tab “Privacy & Security” on our Marketplace Listings with app-specific information on data storage, security, privacy and certifications.

Standard Contractual Clauses

When you use our cloud-hosted products, personal data may be processed by us. As we act as a contracted personal data processor, you may have to agree on the processing of personal data with us that complies with the relevant statutory requirements. Download the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) bitvoodoo-EN-SCC-EU_signed.pdf . We have pre-signed this agreement. When you have signed it, please email us a copy to

❓ If you don’t find a piece of specific information within these resources, feel free to contact our app support.

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