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Add Page Dropdown instead Create button

Activate the old Confluence 4 "Add" Dropdown

Use the old "Add Page" dropdown instead of the create Button, you have to activate and deactivate specific web-sections modules of the Enterprise Theme. 

Got into the Confluence Admin -> Manage Addons -> Enterprise Themes and activate the web-section for the "Old Add Page" and "Old Add Space" content sections.

Now the "Add" dropdown is visible in the page navigation: 

Deactivate the create button

To deactivate the create button, you can deactivate the web-item create in the Confluence administration.

If the "Add" dropdown sections are activated, the result looks like: 

Deactivate the blueprint entry in the "Add" dropdown

To deactivate the blueprint item in the dropdown list, just disable the corresponding web-item add-blueprints in the plugin modules: 

The "Add" dropdown after the blueprint item is disabled: 

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