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Navigating to the Space Administration

This page tells you how to find the space administration when different themes are activated.

Finding the space administration is slightly different, depending on what space is currently active in a space.

As of Confluence 5.0 Atlassian has introduced a new default theme with redesigned sidebar.

Navigate to the space administration when the default theme is active in a space:

  1. Select Space Tools in the sidebar on the left.

  2. The following menu items take you to different places in the space administration:

    • Overview

    • Permissions

    • Content Tools

    • Look and Feel

    • Integrations

  3. If what you want to do is to enable the Enterprise Theme in this space then Look and Feel is where you want to go. This will list the currently selected theme an all the other available themes.

Navigate to the space administration when the documentation theme is active in a space:

  1. In the Confluence header open Browse menu.

  2. Select Space Admin.

  3. If what you want to do is to enable the Enterprise Theme in this space then select Themes under Look and Feel in the left-hand panel. This will list the currently selected theme an all the other available themes.

Navigate to the space administration when the Enterprise Theme is active in a space:


  1. In the Confluence header open Browse menu.

  2. Select Space Admin.


  1. In the space header select Space Admin.

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