Tab Content Wrapper
Name | Description | Type | This is a required field | Default | Values |
ID | The ID of the tab container. | string | |||
Content CSS class | A CSS class that is added to the div element content container. | string | |||
Hide empty body | Hides the complete block if the content is empty. Attention: a tab is only empty if there is no html inside. An empty div element isnt empty! | boolean | true | ||
Minimum height | The minimum height of the tab wrapping container. Example: 150px | string | |||
Content padding | The padding value of the content container (all sides). Padding is within the element. Example: 10px | string | |||
Remember the selected tab | boolean | true | |||
Show tab menu vertically at the left | boolean | false |

Mobile view
The mobile view is available since the Enterprise Theme 4.2.0.