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Redirect to URL Macro

Place an HTTP 301 redirect on the outdated page to direct users to a different URL.

Use cases: When to use 301 redirects

If you are restructuring, migrating (e.g. from DC/Server to Cloud) or making your Confluence content available on another system, you want to make sure that users can reach the new site effortlessly.

Placing an HTTP 301 redirect on the outdated page will lead users directly to the content on the new site.

Using redirects is especially important for public-facing Confluence content (e.g. product documentation) if it is migrated or restructured. Benefits include:

  • Keeping the traffic and SEO visibility (no dead links)

  • Adding the 301 redirects once instead of manually updating countless links

  • Redirect is effective for external backlinks, browser bookmarks, service portals, etc.

What the macro does

Use the "Redirect to URL" macro to redirect pages or blog posts with an HTTP 301 (permanently moved). You may redirect to another Confluence page, blog post, or an external URL.

How to create an HTTP 301 redirect

  1. Access the page that you want to redirect.

  2. Edit the page (editing permission required).

  3. Type “{redirect” anywhere on the page. Choose the macro “Redirect to URL”.

  4. In the field “Destination URL”, write or paste the full URL of the page you want to redirect to. This can be a Confluence page or any external link. Click “Insert”.

  5. Save the page. The 301 redirect is instantly active.

Effects of the redirect

Anybody using the old URL or clicking on the page name in the page tree will be directed to the new URL. This means that the content of the old page cannot be edited by using the old URL. If you still need to edit the old content or delete/modify the redirect, use the instruction below.

How to edit a redirect

Need to update or delete a redirect? We’ve been there before.

You need to be a Confluence administrator to perform this action.

  1. Access the “Redirect” menu in the General configuration.

  2. Tap the menu “Redirects to URL Macros”. You will see a list of all pages with the “Redirect to URL” macro.

3. Tap the “Edit” button. The page with the redirect macro will open in edit mode.

  • To edit the existing redirect, edit the “Redirect to URL” macro and enter the new URL.

  • If you no longer need the redirect, simply delete the “Redirect to URL” macro.

4. Save the page. The changes are effective instantly.

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