Migrate Enterprise Theme content to the Cloud
😞 Bad news first: Enterprise Theme will not be available on Confluence Cloud. This is due to major differences in theming and styling options on Cloud.
However, we understand that you want to migrate existing content in Enterprise Theme macros to preserve this content. That’s why we have created workarounds for popular Enterprise Theme macros using two of our other apps:
Tabs (macros “Tab Content Wrapper/Tab Element”) can be replaced by using bitvoodoo’s Navitabs - Tabs for Confluence.
Panels (macro “Titled Panelbox”) can be replaced by using bitvoodoo’s Advanced Panelboxes for Confluence.
💡 We have also collected advice on how to replace Enterprise Theme macros with built-in functionalities on Confluence Cloud. This is also covered in the blog post on how bitvoodoo migrated from Confluence Server to Cloud.
Please read on for all the details.
Tab macros: Tab Content Wrapper & Tab Element
For existing Enterprise Theme tabs (Tab Content Wrapper & Tab Element) to work on Cloud, you need to install our app Navitabs - Tabs for Confluence.
If you have Navitabs Cloud, existing macros will be renamed:
“Tab Content Wrapper” will become “Tab Group (Enterprise Theme Compatibility)”.
“Tab Element” will become “Tab (Enterprise Theme Compatibility)”.
The content of the macros will be transferred completely and can be edited after the migration to the Cloud. If you used tabs within a tab navigation (nested tabs) in the Enterprise Theme, these still work after the migration.

Macro in the on-premise editor

Macro in the Cloud editor
However, you may notice some differences in styling compared to the on-premise version. If you want more flexibility with styling (e.g. different tab designs), copy your tabs' content into the built-in Navitabs macros Tab Group and Tab.
🧙🏻♀️ Better still, use the Tab Wizard with the option “Create your own content” on Navitabs Cloud.
Panel macro: Titled Panelbox
For Titled Panelbox to work on Cloud, you need to install our app Advanced Panelboxes for Confluence.
Using Advanced Panelboxes Cloud, existing “Titles Panelbox” macros will be renamed “Panelbox (Enterprise Theme Compatibility)”. The content of the macros will be transferred completely and can be edited after the migration to the Cloud. However, you may notice some differences in styling. If you want more flexibility, copy your panel’s content into the built-in Panelbox macro. Please have a look at the different styling options in the Advanced Panelboxes documentation.

Macro in the on-premise editor

Published on-premise page

Macro in the Cloud editor

Published Cloud page
Replacing Enterprise Theme macros on Cloud
💡 This is an incomplete list of macros in the Enterprise Theme in alphabetical order. We have collected suggestions on how to replace them on Confluence Cloud.
Please use the standard Attachments macro with its settings.
Favourite pages
On the Cloud Dashboard, click “Starred” to see a list of your favorite pages.

Language dropdown(s) & Pagetitle
Creating content in various languages and displaying the right language to each user is part of our app Translations for Confluence.
Use a 3rd-party app like SubSpace Navigation for Confluence to build a metamenu in Confluence Cloud.
Most liked
The most liked pages and blog posts are now displayed in the Confluence Cloud Dashboard when you select “Popular”.

Quick Link / Space Shortcut
Use Space shortcuts that appear in the space navigation.
🤩 As of July 2022, the space shortcuts can be embellished with emojis; see https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/Content-icons-drag-and-drop-and-more-for-Confluence-shortcuts/ba-p/2072126
For even more styling options, create a (colored) panel (type “/custom panel”), add the links line by line and embellish them with built-in or custom emojis. This could look something like this:
Recently updated, recently worked on
These are now built-in functions in Confluence Cloud. Go to the dashboard to try the different options.
Alternatively, select the tab “Recent” in the main navigation to access the content you have visited, worked on, drafted, or starred.

❓If you are still unsure whether to migrate to Confluence Cloud, please contact us.