When is the sound playing?
The sound is only played if the window hasn't the focus or the textarea hasn't the focus.
Deactivate sound
There are different ways to achieve this:
You can disable the sound in the chat administration. /admin/plugins/confluence.chat/viewconfiguration.action.
Disable the add-on module with the sound files: chat-sound
Deactivate the Desktop Notifications
Just disable this add-on module: chat-browser-notification
The editor hides the save button
You could activate the option "Hide in editor" in the chat configuration or you could add the following CSS rule in the global CSS styles:
.contenteditor #chatbar { display: none !important; }
Reset all
First: Shutdown confluence
To Remove all configurations (global and space setting), execute this SQL statement:
DELETE FROM bandana WHERE BANDANAKEY LIKE 'confluence.chat.configuration%'
To remove complete History:
DELETE FROM bandana WHERE BANDANACONTEXT LIKE 'confluence.chat.history.%'
To remove all user settings (Status, ... )
DELETE FROM bandana WHERE BANDANACONTEXT LIKE 'confluence.chat.preferences.%'
At the end, start confluence