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Enterprise Theme 5.2.1

 With great pleasure, we announce the release 5.2.1 of the bitvoodoo Enterprise Theme.

Edit your space shortcuts

With this version of the Enterprise Theme, it's now possible to edit the space shortcuts. 

Just go to the space shortcuts dropdown and click on configure.


More flexibility for our news macros thumbnails.

With our news macros (Top Stories Slider, TeaserBox and Blog Posts & Pages) you can define a news thumbnail with a label. As fallback it was possible to use the first attached image on the content. This was already great, but now extended this functionality.

Starting with version 5.2.1 you are able to define more specific this  thumbnail detection: 

  • Detect the thumbnail via label - This is the most flexible way, a must have for content editors

  • No fallback - If there is no image found with this label, no thumbnail would be shown.

  • Use the first attached image as fallback

  • Use the logo of the space as fallback

  • Use only customized space logos as fallback

  • Use the first attached image or the customized space logo as fallback


Updates and fixes in this release

T Key Summary P Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues


Download and install the Enterprise Theme App from the Atlassian Marketplace or through the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager.


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