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Mobile Theme Extension

Once you've enabled the Enterprise Theme in your Confluence instance (Enabling the Enterprise Theme), you have the awesome Enterprise Theme Mobile Extension available, featuring an optimized mobile UI with integrated Enterprise Theme features.

Branded Mobile Look and Feel

The Enterprise Theme now allows you to apply the same look and feel you configured for the desktop view to the mobile view.

  • The colors you configured for the header are now also used in the mobile view. The mobile view now looks more familiar to your users.

  • Your logo is now displayed in the center of the mobile view header.

Example 1



  Example 2



Mobile Dashboards

Next to the usual dashboards for the desktop view, you can create additional mobile dashboards optimized for an optimal experience on mobile devices. Mobile dashboards are listed next to the menu entry for the standard Confluence mobile dashboard in the left fly-out and make the mobile theme significantly more valuable to users.

Mobile Menu

Missing a navigation in the mobile view? The Enterprise Theme adds the same menu in the mobile view you configured for the desktop view. Access your menu structure on the mobile to find content faster than before.

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