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Translations for Confluence 5.1

We are happy to present the newest release of Translations for Confluence - refining your editing experience for multilingual content in Confluence.

Define a Default Language for every Space

When adding titles in the page dialogue, it can be unclear which language is being used as the default title of the page. 

Previously, Translation for Confluence used the global default language (set by the Confluence administrator) to determine the title language. Now, you can set the default title language for each space individually.

→ Read more: Translate Page Title | How-to-set-a-default-title-language-per-space

Search by language within Confluence

You can now use Translation for Confluence's language attributes to search by language within your Confluence instance. 

Inside the standard Confluence search, click "Advanced Search" and "Add a filter" to filter content by title or content language:

This works especially well for pre-defined reports like the Page Property Report - or apps like our Advanced Search for Confluence that let you pre-define filters for users.

→ Read more: Search for translated content (with CQL)

Improving support for third-party apps

Using Comala Document Management or Refined theme? We have improved support for these apps. Our title translation feature now works seamlessly within the Comala Workflow reports or Refined Theme sidebar.

Many more bugfixes

Many bugs with character encoding could be resolved.

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