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bitvoodoo's bundled apps

Bundled apps are an integral part of our apps. They serve as shared resources to prevent module duplication, ensure smooth operation, and extend the functionality of our primary apps.

For optimal performance, we strongly recommend keeping them enabled.


Screenshot of the bundled apps as seen in the Confluence Administration

Key System Apps and their Functions

Bundled App’s name


System App: Administration UI

Enables the user interface to be shared across all our apps.
Disabling it will halt all app functions.

System App: Analytics Core

Enables the tracking of content views.
Disabling it will stop all metric tracking.

System App: Attachment Tracking

Monitors attachment interactions and usage.
Disabling it will remove the Attachment Report.

System App: Search Analytics

Tracks keywords used in Confluence’s search bar.
Disabling it will remove the Search Report.

Please note: Disabling bundled apps may cause functionality issues, as outlined above.

  • Bundled apps can be seamlessly migrated from Server to Data Center.

  • In Confluence Cloud, most bundled apps are unnecessary, with the exception of Attachment Tracking (see here for more information).


Updating bundled apps

Updating any of the primary bitvoodoo apps—such as Viewtracker, Navitabs, or Panelboxes—will automatically update their bundled apps. No additional steps are required, ensuring a seamless update process for all integrated components.

Why use bundled apps?

As part of continuous improvements, previously separate apps, such as Viewtracker, Attachment Tracking, and Search Tracking, were merged into bundled apps. This integration enhances performance, streamlines updates, and simplifies their management, ensuring a more unified experience.

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