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Is Viewtracker EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant?

Are you having privacy concerns?

Viewtracker stores the data in the same way Confluence itself stores information about authors of pages and comments in the database.

bitvoodoo ag is never an owner nor a processor of the data and can't access the data stored in the local Confluence database in any way.

If you need to satisfy company policies, government or union regulations in regards to user privacy, the Extended Privacy Mode of Viewtracker may be the mode for you. With that mode, you will still be able to track the usage of Confluence without storing any personal data.

Data stored in Confluence by Viewtracker

Standard Privacy Mode

Viewtracker stores the following data if the privacy setting is "Standard":

Page ID

User key

Visit time

Device type

ID of the Confluence page or blog post

User ID of the viewer

Timestamp with the point in time when the view occurred.

Information which device the viewer was using.

Database Example:

Extended Privacy Mode

If Extended Privacy Mode is enabled, views are stored but don't contain any information about the viewers. No user names are stored.

Page ID

Visit time

Device type

ID of the Confluence page or blog post

Timestamp with the point in time when the view occurred.

Information which device the viewer was using.

Database Example:

→ see "Viewtracker Data Structure" for details

Who can access the data? 

If the privacy setting is "Standard", all users can access viewer statistics of Confluence content. If this is not desired, admins can choose one of the other privacy settings:

  • The user-specific statistics can be hidden from view by using the mode "Hide Viewers" Mode. In this mode, you can grant report access rights to administrators or other specific user groups. Database administrators may also be able to access Viewtracker data in the database.

  • User information can be anonymised by using the mode "Anonymise Viewers" Mode.

  • If Extended Privacy Mode is enabled, no user-specific information is saved or displayed, neither in the database nor in Confluence.

Deleting data

Entries of page views made by Viewtracker can always be deleted in the database if someone makes use of the "right to be forgotten."

→ Remove data from Viewtracker

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