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Log Message: Cannot execute atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime: plugin has an extra copy of atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation classes


Viewtracker can't be activated in your Confluence and the following log message can be found in the application log  atlassian-confluence.log.

Cannot execute atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime: plugin has an extra copy of atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation classes,
perhaps embedded inside the target plugin 'ch.bitvoodoo.confluence.plugins.viewtracker';
embedding scanner-annotations is not supported since scanner version 2.0.
Use 'mvn dependency:tree' and ensure the atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation dependency in your plugin has <scope>provided</scope>,
not 'runtime' or 'compile', and you have NO dependency on atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime

Possible causes

There are two possible causes with different resolutions.

Cause 1

A third party app delivers a misconfigured and old set of Spring Scanner classes and stops Viewtracker from functioning. For example Tooltip for Confluence (below version 1.2.7). An issue with Atlassian can be found on SCANNER-2170. Other possible apps and a full description of this behaviour are listed on CONFSERVER-55916.

Resolution 1

Deactivate or uninstall the app delivering old Spring Scanner classes:

  1. Deactivate, uninstall or update* the app causing the issue

  2. Activate Viewtracker

* If an update with new Spring Scanner class is available

Cause 2

There is an old version of the Viewtracker loaded in Java. 

Resolution 2

Please follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall Viewtracker

  2. Stop Confluence

  3. Clear the plugin cache

  4. (Optional for logging) Remove or rename the latest logs within <Confluence Home>/logs/

  5. Start Confluence

  6. Install the latest compatible version of Viewtracker 

If the error still occurs, please contact us and attach a Support-Zip to your request.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.