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Advanced Settings

How to configure the advanced settings of the Enterprise Theme.

The Advanced Settings allow you to customize the behavior of the Enterprise Theme further next to designs or menus.

Global Advanced Settings

  1. Choose the cog icon ⚙ at the top right of the Confluence screen, then choose General configuration.

  2. Select Advanced Settings under Enterprise Theme in the left-hand panel. 

Site Configurations

These configurations can be set globally for the Enterprise Theme but also can be overwritten in each space.

Use site logo in header

  • If enabled, the site logo is used in the header in every space and is an active link to the dashboard.

  • If disabled, and a space logo is defined, the current space's logo is used and is linked to the homepage of the current space.

Visit the page Header Logo to find more information about the header logo and its behaviour.

Show link to people directory for anonymous users

If enabled, the people directory link is shown for anonymous users too.

Show language selector

If enabled, the language selector in the top right corner of the menu is displayed.


Show minimize buttons of panel boxes

If enabled, the min/max buttons of titled panel boxes are displayed.

Minimize comments

If enabled, the comment box is minimized by default, as long as there are no comments on the page.

Minimize labels

If enabled, the label box is minimized by default.

Minimize attachments

If enabled, the attachment box is minimized by default.

Language selector

You can configure which languages are available in your Confluence and used in the Enterprise Theme language switcher.

Please note, that English is not listed, because English is the system language and can't be disabled. The default language you choose for your Confluence instance also cannot be disabled.


Note: If you disable a language, you disable this language for the whole Confluence instance.

Space Advanced Settings

By default, the Enterprise Theme uses the globally defined Advanced Settings for all spaces. If you like, you can overwrite the global settings in a space.

Why create a space-specific configuration?

There are some use cases where it's useful to define a space-specific configuration. The most common one: You would like to display the current space's logo as the header logo when a user is navigating in that space.

Configure space-specific advanced settings

  1. Visit the Space Administration

  2. If the Enterprise Theme is enabled for this space, you can select Advanced Settings under Enterprise Theme in the left-hand panel. 

  3. Click Edit, make your changes and click the Save button.

Once you've configured space-specific advanced settings, changes to the global settings won't count for this space anymore.

Reset space-specific settings and use the global settings

To revert to the global settings, just click on Reset Default. Any space-specific settings will be removed, and the global settings will be applied again.

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