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How to enable an Enterprise Theme design.

Once the Enterprise Theme is installed and enabled, you can start off by picking one of three basic designs that come pre-installed with the theme. Designs consist of a set of preconfigured Enterprise Theme settings - for example, a color scheme and necessary web resources.

If none of the designs that come with the Enterprise Theme strike your fancy, you can build your own design.

Enable a design globally

  1. Choose the cog icon ⚙ at the top right of the Confluence interface, then choose General configuration.

  2. Select Designs under Enterprise Theme in the left-hand panel. This will give you a list of all the available designs. The currently selected design is highlighted.

  3. Click on the Select button of the design you would like to enable. This globally applies the settings of this design.

Enabling a design in a space

  1. Navigate to the space where you would like to apply an Enterprise Theme design.

  2. Navigate to the Space Administration.

  3. Select Designs under Enterprise Theme in the left-hand panel. This will list all the available designs. The currently selected design is highlighted.

  4. Click the Select button of the design you would like to enable. This applies the settings of this design to this space.

If you would rather enable the globally defined design for that space, you can select Use the global design.

Reselecting the design

Reselecting a design will reset all changes made to the theme configuration back to the default values of the design. You can reselect a selected design either globally or in a space. You might want to export your theme configuration before selecting a design.

Your own design

The bundled Enterprise Theme designs aren’t your cup of tea? No Problem! See Develop your own design.

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