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Templates for Blog Posts for Confluence


With the app “Templates for Blog Posts”, you can use Confluence Templates for blogs on Data Center & Server instances. Creating a blog post has never been this easy.

This app is very suitable for recurring blog posts like team meetings, scrum meetings, reviews and more. Ensure that the design is preserved by creating central blog templates.

Create a new blog post from a template

The following instruction shows how to create a blog post from a template with the built-in Blueprint. There is also the option to use the "create blogpost from template" macro.

  1. Open the "Create" dialogue and choose "Blog post".

  2. Pick the desired template. Notice that you can still choose the default Blog post item in this dialogue.
    Follow the Atlassian documentation about creating page templates if the list is empty.
    Tap “Create”.

  3. The Confluence editor opens with the settings and placeholders of the chosen template, and you can start creating your content.

Full documentation

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