Popular Content Macro
This macro is no longer supported. It was used to highlight the most popular content within the specified space and date range in your Confluence instance.
It has been replaced by the Analytics Report macro.
Existing macros will continue to work as normal.
The Popular Content macro displays the top contents in the current space for a defined date range. Top contents are pages and blog posts with the most views aggregated in Viewtracker.

Popular Content Macro
The Popular Content macro is the only macro available on Viewtracker Cloud. Many more statistics and KPIs are accessible in the different built-in Viewtracker reports.
How to use the Popular Content macro
Insert the macro by searching for "popular content".
For the default behavior (entire current space, last 30 days), tap "Insert.”
The macro will display the most popular content (top 10) embedded in the current page.
Popular pages of the Viewtracker Cloud documentation in the last 30 days
Change the Date Range from "Absolute" to "Relative" to insert any number of days (details see below).
Insert one or various labels to filter the popular content by those labels.
Insert a root page if you want only to see the views of its specific child pages.
Example: Popular content within root page “Viewtracker Reports”, date range “relative”, views in the last 14 days:

Absolute vs. Relative Data Range
If you want top-10 statistics for a fixed period (eg. the first 30 days after a space was created), choose “Absolute” (default) and specify the desired date range in the date picker.
If you want statistics for the last 30 days, choose “Relative” (default) and type in “30” in the field “Days before today”.