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Analytics Report - Text

Text Option


How to use the Text option?

  1. Insert the Analytics Report macro on a page.

  2. Click “Text” within the Analytics Report.

  3. In the field “Content,” you can select between a Page or a Space.

  4. Adapt the general settings (see options below).

    1. Use the preview to check if everything looks as expected.

  5. Tap “Save” and publish the page.

Result: The metrics of the selected page or space are displayed as a macro.


The general settings of this macro

  • Content - You can filter for a space, a page, or a blog post.

  • Metrics - These are the same as those in the Viewtracker Reports (see the expansion below).

    • You can define the number of items displayed per metric (where the metric allows it. e.g., attachments).

    • Metric presentation: You can switch between a compact view and a wide view to display metrics.

    • Alternate background colors: changes the background color of items to separate each metric.

Available Metrics

Please note: Metrics differ if a Space or a Page is defined.

  • Attachment Storage

  • Busiest time slots

  • Largest attachments

  • Last modified

  • Last viewed

  • Most commented content

  • Most edited content

  • Most liked content

  • Most viewed attachments

  • Most viewed pages and blog posts

  • Newly published

  • Number of active users

  • Number of attachment viewers

  • Number of attachment views

  • Number of content created

  • Number of content deletions

  • Number of contributors

  • Number of edits

  • Number of engaged users

  • Number of likes (on comment)

  • Number of likes (on content)

  • Number of new attachments

  • Number of new blog posts

  • Number of new comments

  • Number of new pages

  • Number of viewed attachments

  • Number of viewed blog posts

  • Number of viewed pages

  • Number of viewers

  • Number of views

  • Number of watches

  • Possibly outdated pages

  • Total attachments (end of date range)

  • Total blog posts (end of date range)

  • Total pages (end of date range)

  • Top commentators

  • Top Contributors

  • Top engaged users

  • Top Viewers

  • Date Range - Two types of date ranges can be set:

    • Relative: The default setting. It will continually update itself to the previous day.

    • Fixed: Here, you can manually specify the start and end date of the report.

  • Display - Define the order of the metrics to display by drag and drop.


Examples of the text option


Examples & use cases

Example use case 1: Complementing News & Reports

Do you need to release important news or a report?

List relevant content lists, user lists or key figures as text on specific topics and news.


Use case 2: To complement space information

Do you want to enrich the homepage of your space with interesting information and key figures?

Complete your space home page with various lists and key figures.


Use case 3: Compare the performance of different spaces

Do you need to compare the performance and activities of different spaces?

Place a macro for each space with the required lists and key figures and define the same date range.

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