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Tab Wizard Macro

This new macro bundles the functionalities of the existing Navitabs macros Childtabs, Labeltabs, and Handpicked tabs.

The wizard can help you make the right choice and set all parameters - all within a single macro.


Using this macro

  1. Begin by editing your page. Type “{Tab Wizard” and choose the macro “Tab Wizard”.

  1. In the overlay, select one of the three options to create your new tab navigation.

  2. After you’ve selected it, the overlay will adapt to show you all the options.

    1. If you feel you have made the wrong selection, you can always return to the Tab Wizard by using the “Go back” button at the bottom of the overlay.

    2. If you don’t want to add tabs, click “Cancel” to close the Tab Wizard.

  3. If you want to create tabs containing your own content, the Tab Wizard is not the right choice. Please use the Localtab-Groupand Localtab Macro instead.

Tips for more space

You can also shrink the macro settings on the left side by grabbing the divider and re-adjusting it as needed.

Alternatively, you can click the expand button in the top right corner of the macro to view your content on the full screen.


Available macros

Select existing pages

This option substitutes the Handpicked Tabs macro.


How to use

  1. Insert the Tab Wizard macro on a page.

  2. Tap “Select existing pages” in the Tab Wizard.

  3. In the “Pages” field, search by using the page titles and select the pages you want to list in the tab navigation.

  4. Repeat for any other page you want to display as a tab.

  5. Drag & drop page names to choose the order of the tabs.

  6. Adapt the general settings (see options below).
    Use the preview to check if everything looks as expected.

  7. Tap “Save” and publish the page.

Result: The content of the selected pages is displayed as tabs on the page.

General settings of this macro


  • Search for Pages: Select your desired pages to display within this macro by inputting their title.

  • Tab Order: You can drag and drop any given tab to rearrange their order in the navigation. Click the trash icon to remove it.

Tab Design

  • Choose a design between Atlassian Tabs and Index Cards.

  • Tab Design Customization will be coming soon.

Tab Configuration

  • Display tabs vertically: By default, tabs are oriented horizontally. This toggle makes them display vertically instead.

  • Vertical Tab Width: You can customize the vertical tab width to fit more content (the default is 150 pixels).

  • Truncate characters: To truncate tab names, enter the number of characters to be removed (starting from the beginning of the tab names). This makes sense in long page titles to save space. By default, the entire title appears.


Define a parent page

This option substitutes the Childtabs macro.


How to use

  1. Insert the Tab Wizard macro on a page.

  2. Select “Define a parent page” in the Tab Wizard.

  3. In the field “Root,” search and select a specific parent page. Leave the field blank to use the current page.

  4. Adapt the general settings (see options below).
    Use the preview to check if everything looks as expected.

  5. Tap “Save” and publish the page.

Result: The children of the selected parent with all their content are displayed as tabs on the page.

General settings of this macro

Root Page

  • Define your desired parent page. All the children pages of this parent page will be displayed. The default page is where the macro is located.

Tab Design:

  • Choose a design between Atlassian Tabs and Index Cards.

  • Tab Design Customization will be coming soon.

Tab Configuration

  • Display tabs vertically: By default, tabs are oriented horizontally. This toggle makes them display vertically instead.

  • Vertical Tab Width: You can customize the vertical tab width to fit more content (the default is 150 pixels).

  • Max Number of Tabs: Select the number of childtabs to be displayed. The maximum value is 50 and the default is 20.

  • Sort tabs by: You can sort the resulting tabs by their “Title from (A to Z),” by their ”Creation Date (new to old),” and by their “Modified date (new to old).“

  • Reverte tab order: This toggle will reverse the currently given set order that was given above.

  • Characters to truncate: To truncate tab names, enter the number of characters to be removed (starting from the beginning of the tab names). This makes sense in long page titles to save space. By default, the entire title appears.


Define labels

This option substitutes the Labeltabs macro.


How to use

  1. Insert the Tab Wizard macro on a page.

  2. Select “Define labels” in the Tab Wizard.

  3. In the field “Labels,” insert the label(s) the pages should contain.

  4. Optional: Use a CQL query to narrow down the results. For example, you can filter for the space “Spacename” using this query:

    space = "Spacename"
  5. Optional: Adapt the general settings (see options below).
    Use the preview to check if everything looks as expected.

  6. Tap “Save” and publish the page.

Result: The pages containing the label(s) with all their content are displayed as tabs on the page.

General settings of this macro


  • Insert the labels that the desired pages should contain. Multiple labels can be selected.


  • Filter by CQL: You can insert additional parameters to filter for pages using a CQL Query.

Tab Design

  • Choose a design between Atlassian Tabs and Index Cards.

  • Tab Design Customization will be coming soon.

Tab Configuration

  • To display the tabs vertically, activate the toggle "Display the tabs vertically."” By default, tabs are oriented horizontally. Using vertical tabs, you can customize the tab width (the default is 150 pixels).

  • Vertical Tab Width: You can customize the vertical tab width to fit more content (the default is 150 pixels).

  • Max Number of tabs: Select your desired number to be rendered. The default value is 20, and the maximum is 50.

  • Sort tabs by: You can sort the resulting tabs by their “Title from (A to Z),” by their ”Creation Date (new to old),” and by their “Modified date (new to old).“

  • To reverse the tab order, activate the toggle “Reverse the tab sort order”.

  • Characters to truncate: To truncate tab names, enter the number of characters to be removed (starting from the beginning of the tab names). This makes sense in long page titles to save space. By default, the entire title appears.


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