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Analytics Report - Text

Text option


How to use the Text option? đź“”

  1. Insert the Analytics Report macro on a page.

  2. Click “Text” within the Analytics Report.

  3. In the field “Content,” you can select between a Page or a Space.

  4. Adapt the general settings (see options below).

    1. Use the preview to check if everything looks as expected.

  5. Tap “Save” and publish the page.

Result: The selected page or space metrics are displayed as a list.


The general settings of this option

  • Content - You can select a space, a page, or a blog post. Use the CQL filter to refine the space selection further.

  • Metrics - These are the same as those in the Viewtracker Reports (see the expansion below).

    • You can define the number of items displayed per metric (where the metric allows it. e.g., attachments).

    • Metric presentation: You can present the list in a compact or wide design.

    • Alternate background colors: changes the background color of items to separate each metric.

Available Metrics

Please note: Metrics differ if a Space or a Page is defined.

  • Attachment Storage

  • Busiest time slots

  • Largest attachments

  • Last modified

  • Last viewed

  • Most commented content

  • Most edited content

  • Most viewed attachments

  • Most viewed pages and blog posts

  • Newly published

  • Number of active users

  • Number of attachment viewers

  • Number of attachment views

  • Number of content created

  • Number of content deletions

  • Number of contributors

  • Number of edits

  • Number of engaged users

  • Number of new attachments

  • Number of new blog posts

  • Number of new comments

  • Number of new pages

  • Number of viewed attachments

  • Number of viewed blog posts

  • Number of viewed pages

  • Number of viewers

  • Number of views

  • Possibly outdated pages

  • Top commentators

  • Top contributors

  • Top viewers

  • Total attachments (end of date range)

  • Total blog posts (end of date range)

  • Total pages (end of date range)

  • Date Range - Two types of date ranges can be set:

    • Relative: The default setting. It will continually update itself to the previous day.

    • Fixed: Here, you can manually specify the start and end date of the report.

  • Display - Define the order of the metrics to display by drag and drop.


Examples of the text option


Examples & use cases

Example 1: Complementing News & Reports

Would you like to release important news or a report?

Complement information with relevant content lists, user lists or key figures as text on specific topics and news.


Example 2: To complement space information

Would you like to enrich your space's homepage with exciting information and key figures?

Complement your space home page with various lists and key figures.


Example 3: Compare the performance of different pages or spaces

Would you like to compare the performance and activities of different spaces or pages?

You can place a macro for each space with your desired lists and key figures. You can also define the same date range.


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