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Confluence URL Reports

  • Track specific components of your Confluence, including dashboards, user profiles, calendars, people or space directories, and content from 3rd-party apps.

  • Set your desired tracking of a distinct URL or use regular expressions (regex) to track different URLs together based on pattern match.

  • Share the reports of the different URL trackings with all colleagues or only specific user groups.

This is a new Viewtracker report, introduced in September 2023.

Accessing the Confluence URL Reports

In the Viewtracker menu, select the new entry “URLs / Specific Confluence Reports”.

This will give you a table of all specific Confluence reports. The metrics refer to the last 30 days, which is the default setting. You can change the date range by tapping “Last 30 days” field.

You can use the search field to filter the reports.

Elements of the Confluence URL Reports

The overview page will initially consist of the default tracking URLs we set up. You are free to activate the tracking of these entries. This will immediately track the listed component and let you access the respective report.

We’ve added standard reports for the following 3rd-party apps:

You can set up customized trackings for other 3rd-party app content or edit existing ones depending on your needs. This is explained in detail below ⤵️ .

This table lists the default URL reports (in alphabetical order):


Detail & How to access

URL or Regex

All User Profiles

All user profile views accumulated

Access via clicking on the user’s avatar or by searching for the desired user in the header under “People” and calling up their profile.


Blog Overview for each Space

All spaces' blog overviews views accumulated

Access via space and its blog


Calendar for each Space

All spaces' calendars views accumulated

Access via space and its calendar



Main calendar views

Access via the “Calendars” entry in the header


Linchpin Enterprise News (News Hub)

News Hub views

Access via the News Hub entry in the header


Linchpin Events (Event Hub)

Event Hub views

Access via the Event Hub entry in the header


Linchpin Launchpad

Launchpad views

Access via the Launchpad entry in the header


Linchpin Microblog

Microblog views

Access via the Microblog entry in the header


Main Dashboard

Confluence dashboard views

  • Access via Confluence or customer logo in the header

  • This is the default view after logging in to Confluence (unless a redirect to another dashboard or content is active, e.g. via Redirect for Confluence).


People Directory

People directory views

Access via the “people” entry in the header


Refined all blogs overview

All views of Refined blog overviews accumulated

Access via the Refined Blogs navigation


Refined all categories

All views of Refined categories accumulated

Access via the Refined Categories navigation


Refined user dashboard

All views of Refined user dashboards accumulated

Access via the Refined User Dashboard


Space Directory

Space directory views

Access via the “space” entry in the header and then selecting “space directory”


Each report consists of the following elements:

  • URL Tracking Name

  • Views: The accumulated visits of a specific report in the selected date range. Tap the bar chart icon 📊 in the “Report” column for a detailed view.

  • Status *: Tracking all the specific Confluence reports is disabled by default. An administrator can use the toggle in the “Status” column to activate tracking for a specific report.

  • Restriction: Indicates whether a report has been restricted for certain user groups. If it’s restricted, a red lock icon is displayed. On mouse-over of the icon, the user groups are shown.

  • Actions:

    • Report icon: Tapping the bar chart icon 📊 will open a detailed view of the selected report. This is explained in the heading below.

    • Share icon: Tapping the share icon will display the URL to share the report. By default, all Confluence users who know this link can access the report. You can also restrict access (see below).

    • Edit *: Tapping on the edit menu item will display the editing window for changing the URL and assigning or changing access rights for this report.

    • Delete *: Tapping on the delete menu item will irrevocably delete the tracking and its report.

* Only visible and accessible to administrators

(info) Notes:

  • Users with the Global Report read-only access will see only reports their user is authorized to access on this overview.

  • If you are looking for a specific report not covered in this overview, please tap the “+ URL to track” button to create your customized URL tracking. We explain more about how to proceed below ⤵️ .

Specific Report: Detailed view

Tapping the bar chart icon 📊 will open a separate report of the specific Confluence URL.

It contains the following:

  • Graph with views and viewers in the selected date range. The graph can be grouped by days, weeks, months, or years.

  • Table “views” with “all views in the selected date range” and all viewers

  • Table “viewers” (expandable) with the individual viewers, sorted by the number of views and the last view date.

  • The export option of this particular report (see below)

  • Share option: Tapping the share icon will display the URL to share the report. By default, all Confluence users who know this link can access the report. You can also restrict access (see below).

You can switch between the reports by selecting a different report in the drop-down menu. Only reports to which you have access are listed here.

You can also use the “← Go Back” button to access the URL report overview again.

Drop-down to switch between specific reports

(info) Notes:

  • It can take up to 1 minute before views are displayed in the report.

  • Anonymous users with access to specific components (i.e. Space Directory) are tracked.

Exporting reports

You can export the data of each of the reports as a CSV file: Either as a list of each individual view or the aggregated views per user as listed in the report. The aggregated data export is only available if the privacy setting allows Viewtracker to track and list individual users.

The individual view export contains: “Full Name", "Date and Time"

The aggregated view export contains: "Full Name", "Views", "Last Viewed"

Add tracking for customized URL

Say you want to track a specific Refined category, a Linchpin microblog topic, or any other Confluence output with a distinct URL. Tap the “+ URL to track” button to create your own URL tracking. This will open the following input form.

Add new Confluence URL to track


  • Pages, blog posts and attachments are already tracked by Viewtracker, and there are various built-in reports to analyze their performance. We advise against setting up URL trackings for these contents.

  • You can set up tracking only for Confluence URLs (including 3rd-party Confluence apps). It is not possible to track content of other products running on the same server.

Tracking Name: Insert a meaningful name for the new tracking.

Description: You can enter important notes or information about the new tracking in the description.

Confluence URL to track

The following two options are available in the dropdown:


You want to track a Confluence output that is accessible via a distinct URL.

For example, you may want to track only views to a specific

  • Refined category

  • Linchpin microblog topic

  • Space Calendar

  • Space Blog Overview, etc.

Open the desired target in the browser. The URLs look like the following for the above examples:

  • Refined category = /category/<NameKey>

  • Linchpin microblog topic = /plugins/microblog.action#topic/<TopicID>

  • Space Calendar = /display/<SpaceKey>/calendars

  • Space Blog Overview = /pages/viewrecentblogposts.action?key=<SpaceKey>

  • etc

(info) The <> value in these examples is a placeholder for the Refined Name Key, Linchpin Topic ID, and Confluence Space Key that will be displayed in your URL.

Add the path of your destination in the input field after the dropdown.

Example: Blog Overview of space “CEO”

Regex with Regex tester

Use this option only if you are familiar with regular expressions. A regex that is not targeted enough can lead to too many elements being tracked, and this can decrease the performance of your Confluence instance.

If you want to track multiple URLs using a regular expression, select “Regex” from the dropdown. The info panel will offer you the option to validate your regex.

Open the linked regex tester.

In the Target Confluence URL, enter one of the URL variants you want to track using your regex. Now, enter the regex in the URL above and tap “Verify” to check if your entry actually finds the target URL.

(info) You need to enter an escaped regular expression (ie. \/display\/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\/calendars)

You can use the tester to check all the target URLs you want to track. If your regex entered here is correct, you can close this window. Your regex will automatically be copied over in the regex input field of the entry mask.

Apply Access Permissions

All Confluence users can access the report by default if they know the shareable URL.

If you want to restrict access to the customized report to certain user groups, search and select them here.

If the required information for your new URL Tracking is provided, tap “Save”.

If a user uses the share button now, the window will point out the restricted access:

Activate your customized URL tracking

Saving your new entry will not start tracking your target URL immediately. Please use the toggle under “Status” in the overview table to activate the tracking. You can activate and deactivate the tracking at any time as needed.

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