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Viewtracker 7.0.0

As of 2021, Viewtracker is bundled with our own bitvoodoo apps Search Analytics and Attachment Tracking! This gives you much more relevant insights into what is going on in your Confluence instance.

Search Analytics included

The bitvoodoo app Search Analytics for Confluence is now integrated into Viewtracker. It allows Confluence administrators to see:

  • what users are looking for in Confluence

  • how many search results they were presented with

  • which searches produced no results

The Search Report can be accessed via

 → Analytics Cockpit → Search

→ See the app documentation for all details.

Attachment Tracking included

The bitvoodoo app Attachment Tracking for Confluence is now integrated into Viewtracker. It allows Confluence administrators to see:

  • the overall number of attachment views and downloads

  • the most popular attachments, the space they are located in and the number of views.

The Attachments Report can be accessed via

 → Analytics Cockpit → Attachments

→ See the app documentation for all details.

Analytics Cockpit for Content, Attachment and Search Report

There is a direct link to the Analytics Cockpit in the Confluence Administration menu:

Whether you want to see the Global Content Report, the Attachment Report or the Search Report, you can now access everything in one place: The Analytics Cockpit.

All settings concerning Data Privacy and Manage Tracking are affecting all the apps in the bundle.

Additional privacy mode: Anonymise viewers

We have added another data privacy mode that will anonymise viewers while. For the complete documentation, see "Anonymise Viewers" Mode.

Data Retention

Per default, Viewtracker data is stored forever. If you want to limit the data retention for performance or privacy reasons, you now can. Please read the complete documentation: Data Retention

Accessing Analytics Cockpit for non-admins

Space administrators can now grant access to the Space Report in read-only mode. This can be done in the Space Report.

Similarly, Confluence administrators can let members of a specific group see the Global Report (read-only). See how it is done: Global Report

We hope you are as excited about release 7 as we are 🙂 Please let us know if you have any questions!

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