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🌐 Global Report

What the Global Report does for you

  • See all tracked data of your Confluence instance at one glance: Page and attachment views, content & usage, searches, content creations, comments, etc.

  • Filter the data by spaces, source (devices, Confluence app, Jira Service Management, etc.), content type (page, blog post) and space status (current vs. archived spaces).

  • Select different date ranges and see the metrics and graph adapt.

  • Group the metrics in the graph by days (default), weeks, months, or years.

  • Display the graph as a line, area, or bar chart.

  • Select which metrics to display in the graph.

  • Filter the data with the additional CQL filter.

  • Determine the most viewed content and spaces in your instance (Top Content, Top Spaces).

  • Determine the most active users (with most views) in your instance (depending on your privacy settings).

  • Compare spaces based on their views, comments, likes, etc.

  • Grant a specific group access to the Global Report.

  • Export your data as a CSV file.

Accessing the Global Report

You can access the Global Report via ⚙→ Analytics Cockpit

The menu “Global Content Report” focuses on the content (pages, blog posts, spaces). See below for options in the Global Content Report.

You need to be a Confluence Administrator to access this data.

Alternatively, a Confluence Administrator can grant access to the Global Report by adding users to a dedicated group in Viewtracker's settings.

Metrics in the Global Report

All metrics apply to the selected date range (default: 30 days)

  • Top spaces: The top 10 spaces, sorted by the number of views. Tap the “More” button to load 10 more spaces (if available).
    If you want to see statistics for a specific space, tap one of the spaces in the list. The space overview will open in a new tab. Access the Space Report there.

  • Top content: The top 10 pages or blog posts, sorted by the number of views. Tap the “More” button to load 10 more results (if available).

  • Top viewers: The 10 users who created the most views. Tap the link to open the detailed Content & Usage Content Report.

  • Top contributors: The 10 most active users (by edits, creations)

  • Top engaged users: The 10 most engaged users (by comments, likes and watches)

  • Views

  • Contributions

    • New content: pages and blog posts newly created

    • Edits

  • Engagement

    • Comments

    • Likes on content

    • Likes on comments

    • Watches

Granting access to the Global Report

See Manage Access to Viewtracker Reports

Filtering the Global Content Report

If you are interested in specific spaces, sources or other metrics, you can use the pre-defined filters:

  • Filter by space (type at least two characters of your space name)

  • Filter by space status (current vs. archived spaces)

  • Filter by content type (page vs. blog post)

  • Filter by source; see Source Tracking

  • Filter by user’s login type: Select “Logged in Users” or “Anonymous Users”

  • Checkbox to exclude personal spaces

You can also enter your own CQL filter.

Just click on the "Filters" button and enter a valid CQL query. You can read all about advanced searching using CQL on Atlassian's documentation.

For example, filter for pages edited by user "edmond".

Info on CQL Filter

  • To avoid performance problems, the CQL filter will only work for a maximum of 10 000 results.

  • The filter(s) will also be present in the Export.

Changing the date range and graph type

  • As a default, the data from the last 30 days are displayed. You can change that by clicking into the date field and selecting a different date range. All metrics will adapt automatically.

  • You can group the metrics in the graph by using “Group by” days (default), weeks, months, or years.

    Grouping metrics in the graph (drop-down menu)

  • You can display the numbers as a line chart (default), bar chart, or area chart.


Choosing which metrics to display in the graph

Below the graph, there is a drop-down menu listing the available metrics. By default, “Views”, “Creations” and “Edits” are selected.

Select the metrics you want to appear in the graph, and the graph will adapt automatically. Viewtracker saves the metric selection; whenever you access the report in the future, the selected metrics will be displayed in the graph.

Navigating to other reports

You can access many other Viewtracker reports out of the Global Report.

  • Tap on any page name in the “Top content” column. This will open an overlay with the Content Report of that specific page. The breadcrumbs lead you to the Space Report (in which the page is located) or back to the Global Report.
    The entry on the right side of the breadcrumb is the page/blog post name. Tapping the name will open the page in a new tab so you can access its content.

    Breadcrumb to other reports


  • Tap the link next to “Top Content” in the header to access the detailed content report.

  • Tap the link next to the “Top Viewers” in the header to access the detailed user report.


(info) The date range and metric grouping selected in one report will automatically be adapted to the other reports.


Saving and sharing reports

Once you’ve applied a filter or changed the report's date range, the report’s URL will adapt with parameters like ?dateValue=this.week&contentType=blog.

This is useful for the following reasons:

  • You can copy and share the URL with co-workers with the same access permission.

  • You can save the URL to access a customized report quickly.

Content & Usage

Access this report by tapping the “Content & Usage” entry in the left menu.

See all information on this report on the dedicated page Content & Usage Report.

Global Attachments Report

Access this report by tapping the “Attachments” entry in the left menu.

See all information on this report on the dedicated page Attachments Report.

Global Search Report

Access this report by tapping the “Search” entry in the left menu.

See all information on this report on the dedicated page Search Report.

Confluence URL Reports

Access this report by tapping the “URLs” entry in the left menu.

See all information on this report on the dedicated page Confluence URL Reports.

Exporting reports

You can export the content data in the Global Report as a CSV file; see Export Data.

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