Migrate bitvoodoo apps to Cloud with the Cloud Migration Assistant
General notes:
This document is to give you additional information specific to migrating bitvoodoo apps.
All bitvoodoo apps that are Cloud-ready (consult our list) have an automated app data migration path.
Migrating from Server to Data Center? Consult Migrate bitvoodoo apps to DC.
🛠️ Atlassian Tools:
Follow the official Atlassian documentation to assess and migrate apps (scroll down to the section "Assessing your apps").
Use the latest version of the Cloud Migration Assistant.
Cloud Migration Assistant: Process to migrate apps
App Assessment
Mark all bitvoodoo apps available in the cloud as "Needed in cloud" and tap "Continue.”

Make sure you have installed all selected bitvoodoo apps in your Cloud instance. Tap "Continue".

Agree to the app migration and tap "Continue".

Migration Process
Under "Users and Groups", select "Only users related to the selected spaces" to avoid migrating too many users.

Under "Apps", make sure to select "All".

Check for errors. If everything looks fine, tap "Continue".

Review all settings. If everything looks fine, tap "Run now".

If everything went well, you will be presented with this success screen:

The migration is complete. Give yourself a pat on the back!
We hope that the app migration of bitvoodoo apps was a full success. If you encounter any problem, please read below and contact us if the content is not displayed as expected.
Error in the migration process
Navitabs and Translations for Confluence
Some customers have encountered the error message “Migration has failed as the migration path of this app could not be determined.” during the migration process of the bitvoodoo apps Navitabs and Translations for Confluence.

We don’t know why Atlassian will sometimes display this error. Navitabs and Translations macros are all stored within the Confluence content and are, therefore, migrated with the normal content migration.
If you encounter the error above, please check the content on various migrated pages containing Navitabs or Translations macros. The content should appear as you'd expect it to.
If the macro content is displayed, you can safely ignore the error message.
If this is not the case, please create a support ticket.
Search Analytics and Attachment Tracking
The apps “Search Analytics” and “Attachment Tracking” are bundled with Viewtracker - Analytics for Confluence. You can ignore the two apps in the migration process and simply select Viewtracker.
⚠️ However, please note that search queries and attachment views will not be migrated to Cloud. So please consider exporting and saving this information into a CSV for future reference. We are working on a solution to migrate this data in the future.
Please refer to the Viewtracker migration guide for all details.
Specific migration paths of bitvoodoo apps
We have additional migration information for each bitvoodoo app that is cloud-ready: