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Integrations of Translations for Confluence Data Center/Server

Once you have added translated page titles in Translations for Confluence Data Center, these will be present in Atlassian products and 3rd-party apps. This page lists the different applications and how the translations affect them.

Please use the table of contents on the right ➡️ to access specific apps quickly.

General information

  • The language displayed depends on your individual language settings. See which language is displayed to who

  • All the following screenshots are from pages with titles translated into German. Of course, any other language would work just as well.

Confluence Desktop

Page title and breadcrumbs navigation

Page tree

The page tree on the left side of each Confluence page reflects the language setting:

Confluence search

The last visited pages appear with their titles translated in the Confluence search overlay:

You can also directly search for the translated title of a page:

Confluence dashboard

The dashboard's sections "All updates", "Popular", "Recently worked on", "Recently viewed", "Saved for later" all include the translated page titles.

Please note: Translated page titles can, unfortunately, not be exported.

Confluence Mobile Web

In the mobile version (accessed via your smartphone's browser), the translated page titles will affect:

  • page title

  • QuickNav

  • Dashboard: Popular

  • Dashboard: blogs

  • Recently viewed

Confluence Mobile App

In the Confluence DC/Server App for smartphones, translated page titles will appear here:

  • page title

  • recently viewed

  • page tree

  • saved for later

Jira Service Management: Knowledge Base articles

Integrating Confluence and Jira Service Management (formerly Jira Service Desk) is becoming more powerful and user-friendly with translated page titles! The suggested Knowledge Base articles will now be language-specific, based on the language settings in Confluence.

Read this article with all the details: Translations for Confluence for Jira Service Management users

Linchpin Intranet Suite

Linchpin Intranet Suite on the Marketplace

The translated page titles will appear in all the locations described in the “Confluence Desktop” section above.

In the Linchpin Intranet Suite, page titles will also affect the Enterprise News Bundle:

  • Personal Feed

  • Corporate Feed

  • Cover Stories

Linchpin Mobile

In the mobile app, the translated page titles will be integrated here:

  • Enterprise News Bundle: Personal Feed

  • Enterprise News Bundle: Corporate Feed

  • Enterprise News Bundle: News Center

  • Enterprise News Bundle: News Magazine

  • Single Content View

  • Saved for later

  • Last viewed

Apps by other vendors

Refined Sites & Themes

Refined on the Marketplace

  • Page Tree

  • Blog Posts

Comala Workflow

Comala on the Marketplace

Translations are included in the following reports:

  • Space Tasks Report

  • Space Document Report

Communardo Metadata

Metadata for Confluence on the Marketplace

Translated page titles will appear in the Metadata reports.

Suggested reading

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