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Content & Usage Report: Content

List all content in your Confluence instance and how much it is used in a specified date range.


Accessing the Content & Usage Report: Content

This report can be accessed at the Global and Space levels.

Accessing the Global version

You can access this report by heading to Confluence’s top navigation bar and clicking Apps → Viewtracker - Global ReportContent & UsageContent.


Accessing the Space version

To access this report at the space level, navigate to the left-hand sidebar, click on Apps, then select Space ReportContent & UsageContent.


Content & Usage Report: Content

By default, the table is sorted by Views descending (most views to 0). You can sort the table by all other entries by clicking on the respective table header.

The content names are linked to the respective content (page/blog post/attachment). When clicked, the Content Report of that page opens in a new browser tab.


Scope of data

  • Whenever the word “content” is used, it refers to pages, blog posts and attachments.

  • This report will not list content in spaces that have been excluded from tracking.

  • By default, this report only lists content with at least one view or edit since the Viewtracker installation.

    • With content synchronization, an administrator can include content that has never been viewed or edited since the Viewtracker installation.

  • It can take up to 1 minute before recent views are displayed in the report.


You can filter the report by:

  • Searching for a string in the search field (applies to page & blog post titles and attachment names)

  • Selecting one of the powerful filters. These will be explained in detail below.

    • (info) Remember that any filters you select apply to the selected date range.


Content Filters

  • Filter by space: Type and select one or various spaces.

  • Filter by label: Type and select between one or multiple labels.

  • Filter by content type: Select content type “pages”, “blog posts” or “attachments”. By default, pages and blog posts are listed in the report. Use this filter to drill down into the various content types.

  • Filter by content status: Select “Current” or “Archived.”

  • Filter views by source: Select “Confluence” or “Scroll Viewport.”

  • Toggle: “Exclude personal spaces” (inactive by default)

  • Toggle: “Exclude content in spaces where tracking is disabled” (active by default)

Login Filters

  • Filter by user’s login type: Select “Logged in Users” or “Anonymous Users.”

Activity Filter

  • Content with views: Only display content with views within the selected date range.

  • Content with more than 1000 views: Type in any other number of views to see popular content.

  • Content with fewer than 100 views: Type in any other number of views to see content with few views.

  • Content without views: Only display content without views within the selected date range.

  • Content with edits: Display content that was edited within the selected date range.

  • Content without edits: Only display content not edited within the selected date range.

  • Newly created content: Only display content created within the selected date range.

📖 Read possible use cases for this report in our blog post on


There is a summary below the Report’s table, consisting of the following data:

  • Number of content: The number of content units in the selected filter (can be pages, blog posts and attachments)

  • Views: All views of all content accumulated within the selected date range, whether it’s actively used or trashed

  • Viewers: All Viewers who have accessed the content within the selected date range:
    Views of all anonymous visitors (users without Confluence login) are tracked and grouped under the user "Anonymous".

  • Contributors: The number of Confluence users who have contributed to the content within the selected date range

All metrics summary

There are more metrics than those mentioned above. Tap the button “See all metrics” in the down-right corner of the table. A window will pop up, giving you more details.

All numbers refer to the selected filter (see above) and date range (last 30 days by default).

The numbers in this summary include:

  • Number of content: The number of content units in the selected filter (can be pages, blog posts and attachments)

  • Views: Views of content that is actively used

  • Views of deleted content: Views of content accumulated before it was moved to the trash

    • (info) This number does not include archived content. If users access the content of an archived space, the report will track the view.

  • Total views: All views of all content accumulated within the selected date range, whether it’s actively used or trashed

  • Viewers: All Viewers who have accessed the content within the selected date range

  • Contributors: The number of Confluence users who have contributed to the content within the selected date range

  • New content: Content created within the selected date range

  • Edits: The number of page and blog post edits within the selected date range

  • Deleted content: The number of deleted content within the selected date range

    • (info) Archived content is not included in the “Deleted content”. You can filter for archived content using the filters.

  • Comments: The number of comments within the selected date range


Content Actions

Since fall 2023, you can carry out quick actions directly in the overview table. For example, you can archive or delete a content piece that was not viewed for a long period.

Tap the three dots in the “Actions” column to:

  • Access the Content Report of this content

  • Archive this content

  • Delete this content

  • Access the page history

  • Access the attachments

  • Access the page information

  • View the page’s source

  • View the storage format


(info) Some of these actions will open a new tab. Depending on your permissions, you may not be allowed to carry out these actions.

Saving and sharing reports

Once you’ve applied a filter or changed the report's date range, the report’s URL will adapt with parameters like ?dateValue=this.week&contentType=blog.

This is useful for the following reasons:

  • You can copy and share the URL with co-workers who have the same access permission.

  • You can save the URL to access a customized report quickly.

Exporting data

You can export numbers of the Content Usage Report as a CSV file.

All numbers in the export refer to the selected filter and date range (last 30 days by default).

Here’s how to export:

  • main table: tap the “Export” button next to the date range and confirm the amount of data.

  • “All metrics” summary: tap the “Export” button in the overlay.

  • “Viewers”: tap the “Export” button in the overlay.

  • “Contributors”: tap the “Export” button in the overlay.

The CSV contains the aggregated data from the report, including the following:

  • main table: Content Name, Space Key, Views, Viewers, Contributors, Last Viewed, Last Modified. The entries are sorted alphabetically by “Content Name”.

  • “all metrics” summary: Number of content, Views of active content, Views of deleted content, Total views, Viewers, Contributors, New content, Edits, Deleted content, Comments.

  • “Viewers”: Account Id, Last Viewed, Times Viewed.

  • “Contributors”: Account Id, Last Edited, Times Edited.

If you need the username instead of the Account ID, please consult our FAQ: How do I find the username in the exported data?

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