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Tracking settings

Manage the general Viewtracker tracking settings, report catching (improves performance) and maximum simultaneous Content & Usage Report generation. Visitor’s time spent on pages and blog posts can also be measured by activating the appropriate function.


How to access the Tracking Settings menu

Access the menu via Analytics Cockpit - Tracking (Manage what and how to track).

(info) The tab “Tracking” is selected by default.



  • Status: “Tracking is active” is the default state. Pause and resume tracking via Viewtracker at any time. Interactions carried out when tracking was inactive will not appear in any Viewtracker reports.

  • Cache reports: “Caching is not active” is the default state. Enable the toggle to cache the page statistics for 10 minutes. Enabling this setting improves Confluence performance on sites with a lot of traffic. However, this means that the numbers in the various Viewtracker reports will not be accurate for 10 minutes.

  • Blocking time: The blocking time (in ms) defines the period in which the Viewtracker app doesn’t track multiple views per user for the same page. The app will save a view once the blocking time is over.

  • NEW Time Tracking: Time Tracking allows you to measure how much time users spend on pages and blog posts. This metric is disabled by default. Once activated, it begins recording when a user (a logged-in or anonymous user) accesses a page or blog post on his desktop or mobile web browser. The duration of visits via the Confluence app cannot be measured.

    The measurement of the user’s visit duration is paused under the following conditions:

    • When the user switches to another tab.

    • When the current Confluence page loses focus (e.g., the user opens another program or minimizes the browser).

    • If there is no recorded user activity for a defined timeout period (e.g., no mouse movements, clicks, focus changes, keyboard inputs, or scrolling).

Minimum duration” Specifies the minimum time a user must remain on a page for their visit to be recorded and included in calculations.

“Time out after” indicates when the time measurement should stop if no user activity is detected. The measurement will resume once the user interacts with the page again. Once the browser tab containing this page is closed, the total time spent on the page is logged and included in the overall time calculations.

(info) Please note: The duration of visits is recorded and included in the calculation for "average time spent" and "total time spent" once this feature is activated.

  • Max. simultaneous Content & Usage Reports: The number of simultaneously created Content & Usage reports is limited to 4 by default. Decrease or increase the number if necessary.

  • Attachment File Types: see Attachment Tracking Settings

  • Search term length: Specify the minimum length of a search term that should be tracked in the Search Report. The default value is 3 characters.

  • Numbers in searches: Specify whether numbers in search terms should be tracked in the Search Report. By default, numbers are not tracked.

NEW How to activate Time tracking?

This new feature is being gradually rolled out, so it might not appear in your settings yet.

If you’d like to enable this feature ahead of its official release, please send us a message through our support portal (linked below) to participate in the program:


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