Space Status Report
Discover how a specific space is developing.
Select metrics (number of content/attachments, active users, etc.) and display their development in a chart.
See the week’s least and most active time slots for the selected space and date range.
See the top 10 content based on the metrics available in the drop-down menu.

Full Space Status Report
This is a new Viewtracker report introduced in January 2024.
Accessing the Space Status Report
Navigate to the space you want to see the report for.
In the space configuration (left), click on "Space Report":
Tap the entry “Status/Space Status Report”.
This will open the condensed version of the report, listing:
number of pages/blog posts on this space
number of attachments on this space
size of attachment storage
Set a date range and tap “Apply” to load the full report.
Full Space Status Report
This will compare active and inactive users and the number of viewed content against the total number for the selected date range.
The full report consists of the following components:
Active vs. inactive Users

This section lists the number of active and inactive users in this space. Active users have viewed, created, edited, or commented on at least one page in this space in the defined date range.
The percentage display indicates the active users in the defined date range.
The icon “…” links to this space’s Content & Usage Users Report for a detailed overview of user activities.
If you click next to “Active users”, the report only lists active users.
If you click next to “Inactive users”, the report only lists inactive users.
Viewed pages
Here, the number of pages and blog posts viewed is compared to those not viewed during the defined date range.
The icon “…” links to this space’s Content & Usage Content Report for a detailed overview of pages viewed in the selected date range. You can change the filter to “content without views”.
Viewed Attachments

This section compares the number of viewed attachments to the total number. Only attachments whose file type is tracked by Viewtracker are considered here. Learn how attachment types can be excluded or added.
The icon “…” links to this space’s Content & Usage Content Report with the content type filter set to “Attachments” for a detailed overview of viewed attachments. You can change the filter to “content without views” to see unused attachments.
Chart of different metrics
Some of the metrics listed above can also be displayed in a chart.
You can choose between a line, bar and area chart.
You can group the data by days, weeks, months, and years.

The corresponding graphical representation is displayed for the defined date range.

Example of the attachment bandwidth usage display with area chart
Views by time of day
This overview offers insight into which days and times the Confluence pages (pages and blog posts) in this space are visited most. This helps determine, for example, when to publish important communications or schedule maintenance work.

All views are cumulated in the selected date range's corresponding day and time and displayed as a colored cell. The darker the cell, the more views occur at the corresponding time.
On mouse-over, a tooltip with the cumulative views is listed. Additionally, the view intensity is shown on the scale.
Top content based on …
The default selection is “active users”: The 10 content pieces with the most active users in the set date range are listed here.

More top 10s can be selected in the drop-down menu:
newly added attachments
storage increase
Note: Only attachments whose file type is tracked by Viewtracker are included in this metric. Learn how attachment types can be excluded or included.