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Getting Started with Viewtracker


πŸ“ˆ Gain valuable insight into who visits your Confluence pages. The Viewtracker app provides more information than just counting page hits. It offers important user behavior details, for example:

  • How many users have viewed a specific Confluence page? Are they logged-in or anonymous users?

  • How often has a specific space or content been viewed in comparison to others?

  • Who are the most active users (contributors) per space?

  • Which content has not been visited or should be updated?

  • Which attachments are viewed or downloaded?

  • Which Confluence searches return no results?

πŸ“₯ The data of all reports can be exported or accessed via API.

Screenshots of built-in Viewtracker reports. For the complete list, visit the: Reports in Viewtracker Cloud.

Types of Reports

Content Report (Page or Blog post)

See how many people have viewed or contributed to a specific page or blog post and their attachments. 
πŸ“– Read all about the Content Report

Space Report

  • See how many users have viewed and contributed to the Space's content.

  • The included Content & Usage Report also allows you to identify which content has not been viewed or updated for a long time.

  • Review the views and downloads of the space's attachments using the Attachment Report.

  • Use the Space Status Report to track the progress of the Space.

πŸ“– Read all about the Space Report

Global Report

  • This report visualizes all views and contributions of the entire Confluence instance.

  • The included Content & Usage Report provides more metrics of the overall performance of your Confluence instance and gives you powerful filters to customize your reports. 

  • Analyze your users’ searches and the number of results with the Search Report.

  • Review the views and downloads of all attachments using the Attachment Report.

  • Get insight into how other Confluence components and 3rd-party app outputs are accessed in the Confluence URL Report.

  • Monitor how your Confluence instance is developing in the Instance Report.

Only a Confluence Administrator can change settings for the reports. However, an administrator can grant users read-only permissions for the Global Report.
πŸ“– Read all about the Global Report

Attachment Report

  • Highlight the number of attachments within Confluence and understand the scale of stored data.

  • Discover what files are currently hosted, including file type and size details.

  • Identify old or ignored attachments to consider their current relevance and potential for cleanup.

πŸ“– Read all about the Attachment Report

Search Report

  • Discover what your Confluence users are searching for: gain insights into common queries and information needs.

  • Analyze search trends to understand what content is most sought after.

  • Compare the results offered to determine if users are finding relevant information.

πŸ“– Read all about the Search Report

Instance Report

  • This report provides a comprehensive overview of your Confluence instance and its activity.

  • Compare the number of active users, and see how many pages, spaces, and attachments are viewed.

  • Use the charts to monitor changes over time, helping you manage and optimize your instance usage.

πŸ“– Read all about the Instance Report

Confluence URL Reports

  • Monitor components not tracked by Atlassian Analytics, such as user profiles, team pages, and the space directory.

  • Leverage integrations to track activity on third-party apps as well.

πŸ“– Read all about the URL Reports

πŸ“₯ The data of all reports can be exported or accessed via API.

(info) It can take up to 1 minute before the views are displayed in the reports.

Available macros

Analytics Report NEW


With this new macro, you can create custom reports on Confluence pages and make Viewtracker data accessible to users without report access.

πŸ“– Read more about the Analytics Report macro here

Analytics Report: Chart NEW


The chart option can display the metrics of pages or spaces as line, bar or area chart.

πŸ“– Read more about the chart option here

Analytics Report: Tiles NEW


Use this option to display page and space key figures and top lists in the form of tiles.

πŸ“– Read more about the tiles option here

Analytics Report: Text NEW


Use this option to display page and space key figures and top lists in a textual form.

πŸ“– Read more about the text option here

Administrator's Guide

Get to know all settings and possibilities when using Viewtracker.

β†’ To the Administrator's Guide



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